10X Your Productivity

You don't need more time.

Friend, we're halfway through the week.

Take some time to congratulate yourself on all your wins so far, no matter how big or small.

With the weekend coming up, here are some ways you can 10X your productivity during the weekends:

Stay away from electronics

We need to normalize cutting off electronics over the weekend.

Not always, as I understand we need it to work.

But when you can, make it a habit to unwind, recharge, and reset to recharge and be ready for the week.

Do the following:

- Read for 1x hour

- Go for a long walk

- Pursue a hobby

Spend quality time with family

Admittedly, this is where I fall short on the weekends.

I used to see it as a distraction, but spending quality time with family and friends is a great source of motivation.

It reminds you why you're doing this in the first place.

Let's be honest, what's the point in reaching these goals if we have no one to celebrate them with?

Make the most of your weekend by rekindling these bonds, and you will have the drive to produce at a high level.

Prioritize physical activity

Exercising can help you reduce stress and recharge your biological batteries, allowing you to perform at your best during the week.

Intense cardio or weight training can be insanely beneficial for your productivity.  

Keep learning

Use the weekend to learn something new, even if it isn't related to your line of work.

Any knowledge is always more useful than no knowledge at all.

Expand into new topics...

Don't just read the same self-help books over and over again.

And listen to podcast guests who speak on something you don't already know.

Use a planner

It's easy to forget about things we promised ourselves we would do.

A planner will help you stay organized.

Having a planner can mean the difference between feeling ahead of schedule and falling behind.

Prep for next week

This is like clockwork for me.

I lose my sh*t if I don't have the following week planned.

A good way to avoid a chaotic week is to prepare for it.

Preparation saves you time and increases your productivity.

Keep your mind sharp

Don't deprive your brain of mental activity.

Swap TV and mindless scrolling for activities like puzzles and reading.

These activities will help you stay sharp.

Engaging your mind boosts productivity.

Enjoy yourself

Again, another habit I've admittedly slacked on.

But it's important to remember to have fun and indulge from time to time.

Taking short breaks is one of the best ways to unwind and recharge, as long as it's done with intention and not out of procrastination.

Sleep and rest

Sleep is the most effective way to reset the health of our brains and bodies.

It has been proven that getting adequate amounts of sleep increases efficiency and productivity.

That's not to say "sleep in" because that'll throw your body clock off.

Just remember you don't need to stay up late just because "it's the weekend".

Go to bed and wake up at a sensible time, ensuring you get 6-8 hours of sleep.

Commit to these small habits and use the weekend to build the life you want rather than escape the life you have.

If you enjoy these more actionable emails, let me know by replying "💯" and I'll write more of them.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities