The 2 wolves dilemma

How positive and negative thoughts impact your life in real time.

I’m not kidding, this question made me realize the true power of our mind:

There are 2 wolves, one is chained up in the dark and one is chained up in the light… 

Which one lives? 

The strongest one?

The one in the light?

The one in the dark?

No… it’s much easier than that: 


Now what does this have to do with our mindset? 

We can see the wolf in the light as our dream life:

The most positive and prosperous version of it…

And the one in the dark represents the nightmare life:

The most miserable and negative version of it…

And our thoughts are what feeds these two. 

Why should you care?

Because it means it’s up to you: 

YOU have full control over your mind, 

YOU decide what to think,

YOU choose how to respond to a situation…


When you focus on the good, the good gets better,

And when you focus on the bad, the bad gets worse.

Now I don’t expect you to think positively all day every day, 

I have negative thoughts too, but I simply shifted my thought processes from:

Why is this happening to me? → What is this trying to teach me?

I can’t do itI can do it if I give it my best 

What if I fail? → What if I make it?

And then progressed from there.

Friend, now let me ask you…

What wolf are you feeding? 

The one in the light, or the one in the dark? 

You’ve got this,

Mason from New Mentalities