35 Cheat Codes I Wish I knew At 21

Get Ahead

Look, I’m still young.

So I’m not going to bullsh*t with the “I wish I started sooner…”

Yet if I applied this advice, I’d be much further ahead than where I’m at.

Here are 35 cheat codes I wish I knew at 21:

  1. Cardio should not be neglected. Health and longevity are priorities.

  2. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up.

  3. Let your body naturally wake up. Abstain from coffee for 1-2 hours upon waking. This lets cortisol clear out adenosine, which can lead to sustained energy into the afternoon.

  4. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day (give or take 30 minutes).

  5. Refrain from screen time 1 hour before bed.

  6. Memory is fallible. When you have a good idea write it down or voice note immediately.

  7. The more you criticize others, the more you criticize yourself. If you want to judge yourself less judge others less.

  8. Stay away from people who always complain. They are energy vampires.

  9. Stay away from people who gossip. They are most likely gossiping about you.

  10. You need a hobby to stay disciplined, confident, and to release stress.

  11. You only get what you ask for.

  12. Take complete ownership of every result in your life. The only constant in every result is you. Accountability is key.

  13. Be in rooms where you're the least intelligent person. Train at gyms where you're the least fit person. Expose yourself to greater levels.

  14. When you feel an emotion, don't numb it with drugs and alcohol. Feel it fully then let it go. Emotion is energy. We must let it pass.

  15. You can tell a lot about someone’s character by how they treat service staff.

  16. We'll regret the risks we didn’t take more than the ones we did.

  17. Save your money and it’ll save you.

  18. Care for your body, it’s the only one you’ll get.

  19. Offer help and allow others to help you.

  20. Plan tomorrow’s work today.

  21. Invest in two things: yourself and the industries you know.

  22. When someone shows you their true colours, believe them.

  23. Strive for a new challenge every year. For instance, a marathon or 75 Hard.

  24. Work while you wait.

  25. Perfectionism is procrastination. Start now and refine along the way.

  26. Who you choose as a partner will determine your level of peace, wealth and happiness.

  27. Your perception is reality. If you want a better reality change then you must change your perception.

  28. You'll never be as young as you are now. Take those risks.

  29. Your best decisions come from stillness. Stillness can be found in nature. You can’t be still if you’re overstimulated with devices and music.

  30. You can only get stronger when you face problems in life. Embrace the struggle.

  31. Show up, do the work and seek ways to grow. Do this every day and watch what happens.

  32. Seek feedback only from those in the arena.

  33. No one cares about your sad story. Nobody cares about your excuses.

  34. It's better to go narrow and deep than wide and shallow.

  35. If you love someone, tell them. If you’re grateful for someone’s time, tell them. If you enjoy their company, tell them. If you’re proud of someone, tell them. Do it before it’s too late.

Let me know your thoughts on this list and if there’s anything you would add.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities