80 years is all you got.

80 winters, springs, summers, and autumns

Maybe not next month, next year, or the next decade,

But the average lifespan is around 80 years.

- 80 winters

- 80 springs

- 80 summers 

- 80 autumns

When you look at it like that, life looks dauntingly short.

Listen, you might be 25 and thinking: 

“Damn, I have so much time to figure it all out, 

I’m young, I’m healthy, I can take it easy…”

And sure, you have a lot of opportunity and space to take risks.

But the real question is…

When you’re on your deathbed, will you be proud of how you lived…

Or will you have just a handful of regrets and hold grudges?

And I know this is a bit melancholic, but we need to face the truth: 

We’ll be old and out of time before we know it.

And it’s crazy to think that the average global screen time is 6 hours and 58 minutes a day…

Almost a third of our lives in front of a f*cking screen… 

Watching someone else live their lives instead of being immersed in our own.

And you can only imagine this getting worse over the next few decades as technology becomes more and more abundant in our lives.

Now, what’s the solution?

At least a few times a day, ask yourself: 

“Will my 80-year-old self be proud of what I’m doing?”

And then make a decision: 

You can choose to love more,

You can choose to take more chances,

You can choose to start playing the long game, 

You can choose to put the phone down, 

You can choose to spend more time with your family…

Or you can choose not to do anything, and that’s okay.

But don’t be mad when you’re on your deathbed and unable to make those choices anymore, 

Cause NOW is when you decide how to live your life. 

And look friend, I’m not a guru or life expert,

In fact, I’m in my early twenties and still have a lot to learn in life…

But what I do know is that I don’t want to be old and fatigued wishing I gave it more.

So, stop wasting time on the unimportant things,

And start prioritizing what your 80-year-old self would be most proud of. 

I think that’s the key to a good life. 

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities


When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you achieve your goals: 

#1 – Duplicate my Productivity Planner (FR33)
Grab and duplicate the Notion productivity planner I use to get 7x more things done in a day than what most people get done in a week – Click Here 

#2 – Take full control of your life
Steal the only life planner that starves your distractions, feeds your focus, and manages all personal development aspects of your life at the same time – Click Here 

#3 – Build an automatic money machine
Discover the secrets that allowed me to turn New Mentalities into an automatic money machine and how you can do exactly the same thing for less than 7 cups of coffee – Click Here