This is why 98% of your life sucks. 

Hey, do you consider yourself a driven human being? 

If so, I’m sure you know that being a high-achiever sucks most of the time: 

You always feel like you’re getting left behind, 

You always feel like you’re not good enough, 

You always feel like you’re losing…

And I hate to tell you, but that’s the harsh reality of a winner’s life. 

Earlier this month, I posted a video from Andy Frisella that explains this concept perfectly:

- 90% of the time you’re gonna feel like you’re getting your balls kicked in

- 8% of the time you’re gonna be confused and frustrated

- 2% of the time you’ll actually feel like you’re winning

And those winning moments come and go, and then you’re back in the 90%. 

The thing is that not only being a driven individual sucks for most of the time, 

But nowadays on social media everyone’s posting the highlights of their lives, 

And that might trick you into believing that being a high-achiever is all about having a free, happy, easy, and go-lucky life.

When in reality that’s just what they’re showing on the internet…

What you see is literally that 2%, so don’t get it twisted.

And listen, I don't say this to discourage you from working towards your goals, 

In fact, I say this to motivate you.

Realize that when you're feeling:

Like nothing is working and it's pointless to keep trying,

Like everyone else is running laps around you,

Like giving up is the better option…

All winners are going through the same emotions you are.

And the wins they're posting to IG stories and sh*t are just a small fraction of their existence.

I mean, friend, just look around: 

Anybody who’s built anything significant in this life lives in a perfect combination of high drive, querying, and dissatisfaction.

There’s no high-level competitor in this World that doesn’t feel that way, so you’re not alone. 

Stay solid and keep going. 

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities


When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you achieve your goals: 

#1 – Duplicate my Productivity Planner (FR33)
Grab and duplicate the Notion productivity planner I use to get 7x more things done in a day than what most people get done in a week – Click Here 

#2 – Take full control of your life
Steal the only life planner that starves your distractions, feeds your focus, and manages all personal development aspects of your life – Click Here 

#3 – Build your automatic money machine
Discover the secrets that allowed me to turn New Mentalities into an automatic money machine and how you can do exactly the same thing for less than 7 cups of coffee – Click Here