Aggressive patience

The key to become successful in today's quick-reward-based World.

Let’s admit it, we live in an era that’s obsessed with instant results: 

Bored? → TikTok 

Lonely? → Tinder 

Hungry? → Uber Eats 

And the list goes on…

We’re so used to receiving things instantly, 

That we get demoralized when it doesn’t work the same way with our goals…

See, the truth is that all we need to do for our goals to become reality is to be patient, 

But not the kind of patience you think…

I’m talking about AGGRESSIVE PATIENCE. 

Contrary to passive patience, waiting for the stars to align and everything to fall in place, 

Aggressive patience consists of giving your absolute best every single day no matter how fast – or slow – you’re getting to your goals. 

When I first began building New Mentalities...

I had no money to show for it for the first 6-12 months:

I was editing and posting EVERY SINGLE DAY for a whole year before I even saw a dollar.

I knew that if I wasn’t willing to work for free on my own dreams, I’d never make it…

So I was AGGRESSIVE with the amount of work I was putting in,

And PATIENT at the same time, conscious that it doesn't just happen overnight.

Look, what I’m trying to say is that even though patience is not something common in today’s World,  

Ironic as it sounds, It’s something we need to achieve our goals as fast as humanly possible.

So stop wishing for quick results, and just work aggressively hard,  

Everything else will take care of itself. 

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities