99% of people don't do this

And it costs nothing

Friend, everyone wants to feel important.

This is a universal truth.

Everyone, whether they're childish or mature, civilized or uncivilized, young or old, has this desire.

They want to feel important.

Everyone, yes, everyone

Your neighbor, you, your partner, and your boss have a natural desire to feel that they're a "somebody" in this life.

The desire to be important is a compelling hunger.

And satisfying the craving, the hunger, to be important carries you forward to success.

Simply saying to someone "You're important" gets results.

But even though it costs nothing, few people use it.


Sadly most individuals don't see the importance of others.

But think about this:

Suppose, for example, you were skiing with friends but you went off-piste and were in an avalanche.

As soon as your accident was known, a large-scale search for you would be initiated.

Would they stop to think "Is this person worth it?"

F*ck no!

They'd do everything in their power to find you. 

Without knowing anything about you except that you're human,

helicopters and search parties would work day and night.

And they would keep on looking for you, spending thousands of dollars in the process, until they found you or until not one trace of hope remained.

No one is concerned with whether or not you come from a prestigious family.

Every effort is made to rescue you because every person is important.

So when you're feeling insignificant, always remember that.

But it's no surprise you may feel unimportant.

Just look around.

Take a good look at how most people display an attitude that seems to say:

"You are a nobody. You mean nothing, absolutely nothing to me."

There is a reason why the "you are unimportant" attitude wins.

Most people look at another person and think:

"They can't do anything for me. Therefore, they're not important."

But right there is where people fumble. 

The other person, regardless of status or income, is important to you.


Because people do more for you when you make them feel important.

Make a bus driver feel like he's piloting a jet, and he'll wait for you when you're late.

Make a waitress feel like she's the best in town, and she'll always have the best table available for you.

Everyone is important, and it pays to make "little" people feel like big people.

But realize this:

It pays to be nice, but the sincere kind.

Not the "I want something in return" kind.

If you have a compliment, voice it.

It'll get you far.

That's all for today's email - I hope you enjoyed it.

Talk soon,

Mason from New Mentalities 

PS: If you want to represent the New Mentalities brand, you can shop a collection of bespoke poster designs from New Mentalities and Rare Mentalities.

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