How To Be Assertive + Confident

8 Keys To Dominate Your Life

Friend, your boundaries are not a door.

You need to be assertive and firm in what you desire.

Confidence in yourself and your goals changes everything.

Because if you don’t believe in yourself, who will?

Here are 8 tips to master the art of assertiveness and confidence:

Know your communication style

Would you say you’re passive or aggressive?

If you’re more passive, then people will walk all over you.

This causes resentment.

If you’re aggressive, you may come off as a bully.

It’s rare I say this but…

Balance is required.

Always have a plan

If you don't have a plan, you’ll fail.

It's that simple.

The problem with most of society is they are just walking through life, aimlessly.

Success is not accidental.

It happens as a result of intentional thought, deliberate action, and accurate positioning.

Do this enough and the “stars will align”.

Don’t listen to the outside noise

You may find yourself facing Tall Poppy Syndrome.

This occurs when people are attacked, resented, disliked, criticized or cut down because of their achievements.

You may panic and wish to go back to the life you once had.

But you can’t turn back.

You’re on the right path.

Let go of the opinions of others.

You deserve this, don't ever think otherwise.

Practice positive self-talk

You can’t win in life if you’re losing in your mind.

Your thoughts become your actions.

As the New Mentalities slogan goes:

You can’t have a new reality with an old mentality.

You can read all the self-help books in the world.

But positive thinking will take you further than any of them.


Imagine this:

You’re about to walk into a meeting that will take you to the next level.

You become anxious and don't know what to do.

You must remind yourself that you didn't make it there by accident.

You deserve to be in that room.

You deserve that opportunity.

You’re that person.

Act like it.

Build your circle

Confidence compounds over time.

Keep your circle small.

Have people in your life that tell you the harsh truth and make you better.

Don’t take it as a personal attack.

Oftentimes, they see more in you than you do yourself.

And they want to see you win.

Know your worth

You determine your value.

No one else.

Remember that you aren't defined by your failures.

You’re defined by the moments following the failure.

You create your own story.

Set boundaries and strive for daily improvement

The number one thing you can do to set boundaries is this:

Work in silence, tell no one.


Focus on getting a little bit better every day.

There’s a viral platitude on social media:

Get 1% better every day.

That’s great on paper, but the truth is, life doesn’t work that way.

You’ll have days you get knocked down.

You’ll have days you lose everything.

In those moments, that 1% progress is intangible.

But learning from those moments means you do eventually improve.

It’s just that the progress is delayed, and you may get 2% better the following day.

It’s important to not get too wrapped up in that rule.

If you enjoyed this email, reply with the word “Confidence” to let me know.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

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