It's so boring...

but that's what it takes.

It's so f*cking boring, Friend.

It really is.

Anything great is made up of thousands of boring little tasks.

Don't get me wrong, working on your dreams is exciting.

But for your dream to be actualized...

There's admin you don't want to engage in but have to.

There are skills you don't want to learn but have to.

There are books you don't want to read but have to.

There are routines and habits you don't want to adopt but have to.

It's the consistency of seemingly dull tasks that births the extraordinary.

Kenny Smith has a great quote where he says:

Champions do daily what everybody else does occasionally.

You are not extraordinary.

You just do the ordinary - extra.

The external success, the one which you see, is a result of monotonous grind.

Usain Bolt famously said

“I trained 4 years to run 9 seconds.”

The hard work is behind the scenes.

You just see the results.

Watching Kobe hit 3 straight clutch shots is exciting.

Watching countless hours of his training and dieting, on the other hand, is boring.

You're not always going to be fired up.

I want you to know that if you're currently feeling this way then it's perfectly normal.

Understand that discipline is doing what you have to do, even if you don’t want to.

And that's what separates the best from the rest.

Embrace the boring.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

PS: Now, some find routines and habit tracking boring.

But guess what? The boring tasks are necessary for your growth (as you’ve been made aware throughout this email).

If you want to elevate those ‘boring’ routines, you can access my habit and life organisation tool PRODUCTIVITY PRO today with 10% off.