How to change your life

The secret sauce.


Everyone loves to talk about the most crucial skill in the personal development space.

"Sales is the most important skill because everything needs selling"

"Confidence is the most important skill because, without conviction, you'll get walked all over"

But I think that's all BS.

The most powerful skill you can develop is the ability to do what you need to do, no matter how you feel in the moment.

That skill is simply called called discipline.


Because you don't get good at sales without discipline.

And you don't get confident without discipline.

Success is repeated actions over and over again.

And that takes discipline.

Life, The Universe, God, whatever your thing is...

It loves to test you before it gives you what you want.

To see if you truly have what it takes and just how badly you want it.

You'll face so many problems

And when I say “so many”, I mean.

Shit you didn't even think could go wrong, does.

Obstacles from every direction.

Doubts will creep into your mind, making you question if it's all worth it.

This is why discipline is so crucial.

If you have goals you want to achieve, you must show up consistently.

Face challenges head-on, and do not get discouraged when things don't go your way.

Cultivate the ability to do the work.

When nobody's watching.

When nobody but you believes it will work out.

When everything seems to be falling apart.

When you're exhausted.

When you have every excuse not to do it.

To take the easy option instead.

To live a life like everyone else.

This is the test you must pass to get what you want.

It won't be easy.

But that's why discipline is rare and why so few people achieve great things.

In a world that often seeks handouts and shortcuts, discipline is the divider of dreams.

Friend, learn how to develop discipline today and watch how this simple act of doing the work transforms your life.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities