The clock is ticking...

Don't wait around.

Friend, stop playing around with your ideas.

While you wait to execute, life passes you by.

Procrastination will have your mind spiralling with negative thoughts.

It'll have you visualizing the huge workload and sacrifices that would be involved.

It'll have you seeing all sorts of reasons why it won't work out.

Procrastination is a killer.

Ideas are important, let's make no mistake about that.

We must have ideas to create and improve something.

For those who lack ideas, success avoids like a plague.

But let's make no mistakes about this point either:

Ideas in themselves are not enough.

That great idea of yours is only great when it's acted on.

Every day thousands of people bury their ideas because they're too scared to act on them.

And afterwards, the ghosts of those ideas come back to haunt them.

Regret eats them up.

Put these two thoughts deep in your mind:

  1. Give your ideas value by acting on them. Regardless of how good the idea is, unless you do something with it, you gain nothing.

  2. Act on your ideas for peace of mind.

You always hear someone say something like...

"Had I done this and that, I'd be rich by now"

"I knew that was gonna happen. I wish I had done something about it"

Don't be that person.

Any idea, good or bad, acted on brings so much mental satisfaction.

Take an L on the idea? Good, you tried and you learned something.

Take a W on the idea? Good, you’re one step closer to where you want to be.

So if you've got an idea, do something about it.

Use action to cure fear and gain confidence.

Here's something to remember:

Action feeds your strength and confidence.

But inaction feeds your fear and anxiety. 

Don’t wait around on the sidelines, passively waiting for the perfect opportunity.

Seize every opportunity that comes your way.

Success comes from doing.

Dreams become reality when ideas become action.

You've got this.

Talk soon,

Mason from New Mentalities

PS - If you're serious about taking action, then you need to set yourself up for success...

Track your ideas and progress towards your goals using Productivity Pro, a Notion template by New Mentalities. 

It's my bespoke all-in-one life planner, available here with 10% off just for you.