You should compare yourself to others

just don't be obsessed.

Friend, everyone says that "comparison is the thief of joy".

And everyone should agree with that statement.

But comparing yourself to others in a competitive manner, well, that's powerful.

I'm a highly competitive person.

If someone in my industry is doing better than I am, my reflex is to find a way to step up my game.

“Their emails are powerful, how can I make mine better?”

“Their editing is insane, how can I make mine better?”

These are all questions I start to ask myself.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Competition breeds excellence.

There's a reason why governments regulate monopolies on markets.

Sure, it helps protect the interests of consumers.

But healthy competition motivates businesses to innovate and grow.

And like in business, competing with someone else will also help you to elevate.

Otherwise, you'll start becoming complacent at the top.

Thinking that what you did to get there is enough to stay there.

What's problematic is when obsess about someone else or a competitor.

All you want to do is beat them as a result of your envy

But this is when you lose because you're caring about the wrong thing.

The focus should always be on yourself and what you've got going on.

Competition breeds excellence.

Comparison breeds frustration.

Learn the difference.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities