Confidence is a superpower.

How to fly.

Friend, building confidence is like building a muscle.

The more you strain it, the stronger it gets.

Facing situations that cause stress, anxiety, or fear repeatedly helps you become familiar with these emotions.

Over time, this familiarity reduces anxiety and builds what we call confidence.

Many people don't realize this and limit their potential by trying to think their way into confidence instead of actively building it.

Shouting affirmations in the mirror...

Jumping jacks before an important meeting...

Nonsense that's just a bandaid to the real issue.

Just like you can’t build muscle by staring at weights, you can’t develop confidence without action.

When you do something enough times, it no longer stirs strong emotions.

You feel the emotions, sure.

But you've been there before.

They're almost diluted as a result.

If you're into horror movies like me, perhaps you can relate:

I can easily watch one on my own at night.

Not because I'm a psychopath, but because you see enough of them and the emotions become suppressed.

Take another example, approaching women:

A guy who has approached 100 women doesn't experience the same anxiety or hesitation as someone who has only approached 10.

Not because he knows he's attractive.

But because he's in a flow state.

He doesn't think.

He just does.

The less experienced guy is lost in his thoughts, speculating about everything that could go wrong.

And that overanalysis manifests as forgotten pick-up lines and red cheeks.

He fumbled it.

People make the mistake of thinking confidence comes quickly.

The guy who approached 100 women had to start somewhere and face the same struggles as the guy with only 10 approaches.

The difference is, he didn't stop.

It's like the 10,000-hour rule: you become a master after putting in the time because it becomes second nature.

Confidence comes from repetition.

Just like in the gym, the more you lift, the easier it becomes, and you gradually lift heavier weights.

The same applies to anything that causes stress or fear: the more you face it, the less it affects you.

Over time, you become almost invincible as your mental muscles strengthen.

Confidence is just a term to describe these strong mental muscles.

Focus on the effort, not the results.

The results will come from consistent effort.

Reply with a 💯 if you’re feeling confident heading into this week.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

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