Consistency isn't sexy

Look, I know this might sound ridiculous, 

But consistency isn’t about giving maximum effort every single day… 

It’s about showing up regardless of the conditions and giving what you have. 

Can’t work out for an hour? Do 45 mins.

Can’t read 20 pages? Do 10 pages.

Can’t invest 10% of your income? Do 5%.

You see, the magic doesn’t lie in grand, sporadic efforts that feel like moving mountains.

It’s in the small, consistent steps that might not feel like much at the time, 

But compound into massive results.

Think of it like a garden: no plant blooms overnight. 

It’s the daily care – watering, pruning, ensuring enough sunlight – that leads to beautiful flowers and healthy plants. 

Likewise, our growth is often imperceptible on a day-to-day basis,

But over time, the transformation is undeniable.

And listen, I get it, consistency isn’t sexy. 

It’s not like the incredible transformation stories that we see all over social media, 

Where people show where they started and then jump all the way to the final results without showing the entire process,

Because let’s keep it 100, that’d be pretty f*cking boring to watch. 

But in those mundane and tedious steps,

That's exactly where the real growth happens.

And let me tell you, most people have this consistency thing completely wrong:  

Consistency isn’t about being perfect day in and day out, it’s about forgiving yourself on the days you fall short and showing up again tomorrow. 

You might not crush it every single day, and that's okay. 

What matters is that you keep going.

So, friend, let’s ditch the all-or-nothing mindset. 

It's not the size of the step that matters, but the decision to take a small step every single day.

In the end, those little steps will take you further than you ever imagined.

The time will pass anyway.

Might as well make it count.

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities


P.S. Struggling to stay productive and consistent?