The Deathbed Decision

Live the life you want.

Friend, your choices shape your journey.

Life is built upon them.

So as you navigate through life

Your choices should be aligned with the future self you envision.

We know positive visualization e.g. seeing the money, the success, the love…

Can be a potent force when realizing your dreams.

But so can “negative visualization”.

For example:

On your deathbed, will you be filled with regret?

If you procrastinate, how stressed will you be?

If you drink alcohol excessively, how will you feel tomorrow?

Focus on the consequences of not taking action.

This will deter you from doing those things holding you back.

I like to ask myself:

"In 40-50 years, will I be proud of myself for that decision?"

For any action you take…

Would your future self be proud of it?

If the answer is yes, then keep doing it.

Would your future self be disappointed?

If the answer is no, then stop doing it.

That's it.

You know in your heart what you need to be doing and what you should stop doing.

Don't allow other people to make these decisions for you.

By living up to other people's expectations

You forget to live up to your own.

And in the end, these people won't be by your side on your deathbed.

They don't care what's good for you.

They only care about what’s good for themselves.

Live your life striving to be content with who you are and who you were before you left this world.

That’s true satisfaction and peace of mind.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

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