Don't Fold.

Go one more.

Happy Monday, Friend.

Today I wanted to share more of a motivational piece than "game".

I recently started feeling like quitting on a lot of things.

But I soon realized that the temptation to fold is strongest when the finish line is closer than you can see.

When you feel like giving up, take that as a signal to keep going a little bit harder.

Put in the extra reps.

Do the extra hour.

The reason you can't see the finish line yet is because it's right around the corner.

You've got to pull up to the junction before you can even comprehend it.

You're only one play away from changing everything.

What I will say about the "when" is this...

Don't ever put a deadline on your dreams.

How often do you hear:

"If I don't make it by the time I'm 30, then I'll just give up and move on"

To me, that says you don't want it that bad.

Be truthful with me, in fact, reply to this email.

Are you telling me that your dreams are so fickle that you're willing to let a decade or two of hard work go to waste, just because you didn't hit it by a set date?

Having that mindset is like starting a marathon with a lead weight around your neck.

You've made it much more difficult for yourself than it needs to be.

There's nothing wrong with using timelines to apply a bit of pressure.

Just don't let them be an excuse to throw away everything you've worked so hard for.

Keep f*cking going.

For me, for everyone who believes in you, and most importantly, for your future self.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

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