You don't need "more time".

Lack of time is actually a lack of priorities

Friend, there's an infamous quote:

We all have the same 24 hours.

This platitude pisses a lot of people off.

And the reason, I kinda get.

Use public transport?

Your 24 hours differ from those who own a private jet.

Do your own cooking, cleaning, and child-raising?

Your 24 hours differ from those with full-time domestic staff.

But thinking this way is destructive.

Because you're not being honest with yourself.

Yes, these successful individuals you're comparing yourself to have the means to 'free up' their time.

But the reality is that:

A - you're taking way too long on any given task.

B - you're prioritizing lower-value tasks.

Mastering productivity and getting your priorities in order is the simplest and most effective way to also 'free up' your time.

You don't need a private jet to claim hours back in the day.

You simply need to stop spending hours checking Instagram stories.

As Jim Rohn put it:

If it's a priority you'll find a way. If it isn't you'll find an excuse.

You have to choose what's most important to you and what you value most.

Any misalignment and you’ll remain drowning in things to do.

Spend your time wisely.

It’s the most valuable resource you have.

Notice how this email was shorter than usual?

That was by design.

Let’s not waste any more time.

Get to it, Friend.

I’m rooting for you this week ❤️

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

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