My Favorite Teacher

Fail again and again

I've failed, Friend.

And I'll keep failing.

Over and over again.

Financially, I've trusted people I shouldn't have and been scammed.

In business, I've invested in products, ideas, and content… it’s all flopped.

I wish I loved some people more.

I wish I loved some people less.

But that's okay.

Even though we'd all love to,

We can't go back in time and fix our mistakes.

But you can learn from them and forgive yourself for not knowing better.

Realize you're human.

You can't control everything.

Dwelling on past naivety and mistakes isn't good for your soul.

It'll eat you up inside.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

You’ll read quotes like:

“Never regret anything that's happened in your life. Good or bad, it's all part of your story”

“Stay silent. No anger, no regret”

But this “no regret” mentality is foolish.

Don’t block it out.

We should all feel the power of regret because it's very real.

Regret is our guideline - it's there to assist us.

When you feel regret

You know not to slip up and make the same mistake twice.

Be in tune with the regret, and move forward by:

Stopping the blame game...

Stopping the negative self-talk and shame...

And ask yourself how can you do better moving forward.

Maybe it's trusting your intuition more.

Maybe it's learning to not be so impulsive.

Listen, Friend, if you didn't fuck up every once in a while then you'd never learn.

Mistakes make you.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

PS - I just wanted to let you know that I post short motivational messages daily in the Telegram community. You can join for free here.