Fight Against Your Mind

How Conor McGregor Faces Down the Demons of Training

Real change isn’t for the faint-hearted.

It demands guts, sweat, and an ungodly level of commitment.

Growth and comfort cannot coexist.

Now, Conor McGregor has made headlines for all the wrong reasons lately.

You might love him or hate him, Friend…

You might say he’s fallen from grace, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from his rise.

He has a simple formula:

What you put in, you get out.

Show up, stay fierce, and throw down relentlessly day after day.

This is how Conor McGregor overcame the toughest moments in training:

1. Reality Check: Am I Off, or Just Uncomfortable?

When the intensity spikes and every fiber in your body screams for mercy, that’s when you find out what you’re made of.

It's easy to think about quitting when your muscles burn and your breath gets short.

But champions like McGregor keep their eyes on the prize: the next rep, the next mile.

They push through the pain.

But hey, if something’s genuinely off…

If you feel a twinge that screams ‘wrong’ rather than ‘tough’ - then yeah, you pull back.

Training smart means knowing the difference between pushing your limits and courting disaster.

2. Remember Your ‘Why’

Why are you grinding yourself into the ground?

When things get brutal, you’d better have your answer ready.

Reconnect with your reasons: the dreams that set you on this path.

Remind yourself that you’re unstoppable, that you've set out to prove something vital - to yourself, more than anyone.

Your ‘Why’ is your anchor.

Clutch it tight and let it pull you through the storm.

3. Draw Strength from Everywhere

Inspiration isn’t just for the good days.

It’s for the grind, the sweat, the tears.

McGregor doesn’t just look to the champions; he sees the raw efforts of beginners, the personal bests being smashed, the everyday heroes pounding the pavement.

It’s all fuel.

Soak it up.

Let the energy of everyone around you drive you forward.

Be the inspiration you’re seeking in others.

4. Visualize Your Victory

The burn is where the magic happens.

That’s where champions are made.

Dream big, then chase that vision down with everything you’ve got.

The unseen hours, the unnoticed effort, the unrelenting drive…

That’s your secret weapon.

When you feel like giving up, picture your success.

Visualize the moment you reach your goals, and let that vision guide you.

Tap into that fierceness: face down the toughest moments with the heart of a fighter. Embrace the pain, remember your ‘Why’, and never, ever back down.

This is your fight.

Make it count.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities