Do you actually deserve it?

You sure have a lot of goals, but are you worthy of achieving them?

Sure, you have a lot of dreams, goals, and aspirations, 

But let’s be real… Do you deserve to achieve them?

You don’t have to give me an answer,

As there already are universal tests that make sure we only achieve what we truly deserve… 

We often refer to them as “SETBACKS”,

But wait, they’re not what you probably think…

Setbacks are challenges meant to test if you are worthy of what you want to achieve. 

And the way they work truly fascinates me:

Their job is to make you quit, and if you allow them to do so, you will not be rewarded…

But if you embrace them instead, and just keep pushing through the struggle, 

You’ll turn into the person who is worthy of your goals, and you will certainly achieve them.

The only problem? 

We don’t know how many setbacks it will take before we are worthy of our goals.

I remember when 5 months ago my TikTok page with over 600K followers got banned overnight…

That was a massive setback for me, and at that moment I had to make a choice: 

#1. Quit

#2. Start over 

If I didn’t pick number 2, right now you would not be reading this email, 

And I would not be anywhere as close to my goals as I am now – while there’s still a lot to do.  

Something that helped me to stay on track was reminding myself of all the greats who went through much bigger setbacks, 

But never quit until they achieved their goals: 

- Abraham Lincoln lost 8 elections. 

- Oprah Winfrey was fired from her 1st TV job. 

- Steve Jobs was ousted from his own company. 

- “The 4-Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferriss was turned down by 26 publishers.

Look, this is what I want you to get out of the 292 words you just read:

Setbacks are simply tests meant to see if you deserve what you want, 

And the key to passing this test is one and one only: to KEEP GOING. 

So promise yourself that, no matter what happens, you’ll never quit,  

And your dreams will soon enough become your reality. 

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities