Fuck the "when".

Deadlines = Depression

Listen, I've been struggling with this for some time.

I, perhaps like many of you reading this, want this shit to work out today.

And if not today, tomorrow.

I can't wait to taste the success I envision for myself, to the point of agitation and impatience.

For most of us, the goals we set out for ourselves almost always come with a date attached to them.

By 30 I want...

By 26 I'll have...

I'll retire when...

But I've come to realize that worrying about the "when" is only doing more harm than good.

Move with urgency, sure.

But understand that we're working alongside the Universe's timing, not our own.

Life is inherently unpredictable, and unforeseen circumstances can arise that disrupt our plans.

External factors play a huge role, and it would be naive to think we have full control over them.

The truth is, all we have control over is ourselves and the actions we take to get us to that point we envision.

As well as this, setting rigid deadlines will lead you to unrealistic expectations.

Success often requires time, effort, and learning from failures.

Unrealistic timelines can create unnecessary stress and disappointment if goals aren't met within the specified period.

How depressing of a state to be in, achieving everything you ever imagined in your mind, only to be disappointed that it took you longer than you hoped for.

Think of it like running a marathon...

All of that dedication, training, and effort for the race,

but on the day of the marathon, the time you ran it in didn't meet your expectations.

Friend, you just ran a fucking marathon, be proud of yourself.

You think what's important is your finish time, but you couldn't be more wrong.

What's important is who you became in the process.

The mental resilience you built…

The fitness you obtained…

The key is to focus on the journey.

Constantly focusing on deadlines will make you lose sight of the present moment, missing out on valuable experiences and opportunities for growth along the way.

Remember this:

It WILL happen, you just don't know when,

and that's what makes this journey fun.


Mason from New Mentalities

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