The "Fuck It" Mentality

Get what you deserve.

Friend, there's this false belief that the top spots in life are competitive.

To be in the top 1%, you'd have to compete against countless others to claim that spot.

But interestingly, that's not the case at all.

Ask any hiring manager and they'll tell you that they receive 50x to 250x more applicants for jobs that pay $30,000 per year than for jobs that pay $100,000 a year.

This is to say that there are at least 50 times as many people applying for the job which pays less.

Less money = More competition.

It's not an exact science,

But the argument holds up.

Think about it…

How many people do you know who are happy to settle versus those who are driven to achieve and acquire everything they want in life?

I'd assume a ratio that looks something like 90/10 or even 99/1.

Everyone is out here doing the same thing and going for the same thing.

All you have to do is dare to go after what most people think is impossible or "too good" for them.

It’s really that simple.

I believe the universe rewards proactive people.

Those who don't wait for it to happen but make it happen.

There's this saying that:

"If you don't ask, you don't receive"

It applies to:





It's a candid quote, and one I believe a lot of people overlook.

It isn't bout being the smartest, healthiest, richest, or most connected.

It's simply about having the courage to say "fuck it" and ask for the very thing you desire.

I promise you this (and it's a hard truth you need to accept):

There are people out here who are less qualified, less educated, and had fewer resources, living the exact life you dream about.

Yes, they were consistent.

Yes, they were determined.

But they led with a "fuck it" mentality and therefore:

asked the questions most are too scared to ask...

reached out to people most would assume they'd get no response from...

put themselves in positions most would be uncomfortable in. 

Adopt this mentality and watch how quickly everything changes for the better.

You cannot be timid.

Ask, take, and push for what you deserve.

You've got this.

Talk soon,

Mason from New Mentalities

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