How To Think Like A World Champion

The 5 Pillars of a Winner's Mindset

Grand Rising, Friend 🔥

If you're aiming for the heights of true champions, and you should be, you need to start with your mindset.

These are the key pillars that the world’s most successful individuals consistently demonstrate:


You think you want it? Prove it.

True desire isn’t just a fleeting wish, it’s a burning desire that drives you day and night.

Goals should be intrinsic rather than motivated by an outside force.

The internal fire that builds up from true passion is an unstoppable force.

With this intrinsic desire comes constant ambition.

In a study, "super champions" were never satisfied.

Although average or even good athletes would view the end of a season as a destination or a time to relax and stop pushing, these "super champions" never stopped moving forward.

Tom Brady spoke about this on Good Morning America following his Super Bowl in Tampa Bay:

I don't think proving it for me is the motivation. I still want to play, I got like a little sickness in me that just wants to throw a frickin' spiral, you know what I mean.


There are two main aspects of discipline development.

The first is consistency in chasing your goal.

This refers to the mental strength it takes to continue working even when everything in you tells you to skip a day or take a break.

Before making any decision, ask yourself:

"Is this going to bring me closer or push me further away from the version of myself I strive to be?"

The more often you choose the harder and more rewarding path, the more you wire your brain to continually seek that challenge.

The second form is the discipline to say no.

Champions have the self-awareness to identify and remove the bad seeds and fill their lives with good ones.

These "bad seeds" include negative individuals, environments, or relationships, and they can spread quickly if left unchecked.

Growth Mindset

Stop thinking you’ve got a limit based on your current skills.

Champions believe that there’s no ceiling to how much they can grow better.

They know that effort beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

Keep pushing, keep learning, and never stop growing.

True champions never lose touch with the "student" inside of them.


Proactive people avoid the stress of being reactive.

Champions do their best to anticipate all of the issues that could arise in the pursuit of their goals so they can set themselves up to be successful.

It is impossible to predict all of your challenges, so tackle the ones you know you need to overcome to make sure that you have the time to face the unpredictable ones down the road.

If you don't plan for what's ahead or wait to accomplish the tasks in front of you, you risk task buildup and inevitable task failure.

Using a planner like ‘2025 Domination’ on Notion is an effective tool to keep all of your obligations organized.

Creating and regularly updating a to-do list can help you prioritize what you need to get done and focus on the task at hand without being overwhelmed by trying to remember the other items on your plate.


"My success isn't a result of arrogance - it's a result of belief." - Conor McGregor

Believe in yourself.

Put everything you have into convincing yourself that you can accomplish whatever you set out for.

It is easy to say "I believe I can do it."

The real challenge is training your mind to believe that it’s actually true.

Belief goes much further than simple motivation.

Motivation may provide a spark to get you through a tough short-term task, but belief is what drives you every single hour of every single day.

Just like desire, belief is deep down inside of you and cannot be shaken or removed.

No one has the power to push you on as much as you do.

While outside factors can boost you up or crush you down, an unwavering self-belief will always give you an edge and leave you headed down the right path.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

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