
Hard Work Beats Talent Every Time

Friend, we’re all gifted in some way.

Some make use of innate talent.

And others do not.

But even if you’re not naturally gifted in your field of work, niche, sport…

Hard work is the prescription for that diagnosis.

Here are 7 reasons why hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard:

Hard Work = Gratitude

Those with natural talent can rest on their laurels.

Those who are hard-working are different.

When you work hard for something, you have a greater appreciation for it.

You know what it’s taken to get to that level.

Hard Work = Work Ethic

My parents taught me many lessons.

But work ethic was one which stood out to me most.

They’d take on overtime.

They’d do more than what was asked of them.

Idleness takes you nowhere.

Hard Work = Discipline

Discipline now means freedom later.

The only way you can become disciplined is to put in the work every single day.

Whatever the weather.

Whatever you feel.

Discipline will have you running laps around your competition.

If you want to learn how to develop discipline, click here.

Hard Work = Obsession

The journey won’t be easy.

But it’ll be worth it.

Hard work is a natural byproduct of obsession.

It no longer becomes a choice.

You have to do it for your fulfilment.

Hard Work = Grit

Talent brings easy wins but never consistent wins.

Without hard work, talent fades.

You can't rely on talent alone.

Be the person who is so driven that nothing can stop them.

That's true grit.

Hard Work = Perseverance

Those with talent give up when they fail.

Their journey is easy until they face a hurdle talent cannot overcome.

Those with hard work keep going.

When you put in the work, no amount of resistance can stop you.

Perseverance is forged through failure.

Hard Work = Opportunity

Here’s a phrase hard workers hear often:

“It must be nice”

Hard work is often confused with luck.

You can’t blame these outside observers.

They only see results.

They don’t see the early mornings, late nights, and years you put in.

If you don't remember anything, remember this:

Hard work beats talent, every time.

Nobody cares, work harder.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities