The invisible force that determines your success.

How to create your own fortune.

Hey winner, I had a lot to say on this topic so this is a longer email than usual.

Hope you like it 🙏

Let me start by asking you a question.

What do you attribute to success?

Hard work, talent, perseverance?

Yes, these qualities undoubtedly contribute, but there is another factor that's usually neglected...


Luck is an interesting topic because some believe in it whilst others don't.

Yet, luck is nothing more than chance.

It’s probability.

And that exists, undoubtedly.

So, let's say someone gets the promotion instead of you at work, you may claim that was luck.

Especially if you think you're a harder worker, more talented, and more persistent. 

How "lucky" of them to be chosen over you.

But realize this, your manager didn’t just put names in a hat and pull one out at random.

That's "luck" in its truest sense.

And that's not how success works at all.

(Well, not entirely)

Because I believe there are two types of luck which determine success:

  1. Luck which happens by choice (fortune)

  2. Luck which happens by chance

I’ll discuss both.

There's this saying that

“Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity.”

This is cool and all, but the actual definition of luck means chance favored you accidentally.

Luck which happens by choice, not chance, is defined as ‘fortune’.

So, how about the individuals who are born into advantageous situations, while others face more challenging circumstances?

This is luck which happens by chance.

They did nothing to make it happen, it just did.

And this is why both types of luck are just as powerful as the other…

You must be aware of both forces.

Take Bill Gates, for example.

He went to one of the only high schools in the world that had a computer.

Of course, created his own luck through hard work, talent, and persistence, but don't ignore how huge of a headstart he had.

That doesn't mean to hate on the man or discredit his success.

It was a combination of both luck and fortune.

I say all of this because it’s important to not deny the external factors that shape our lives.

When we embrace luck as a contributing factor, we…

Show empathy towards others who may have been dealt a worse hand, inspiring us to extend support and encouragement.

And no longer compare or compete with anyone, as this is a force that cannot be measured and seen at first glance.

That being said, whether you count yourself as "lucky" or not, success can still come your way.


Because as I mentioned, fortune is luck created by oneself.

This is how you do it:

1 - Be open to opportunities

Keep an open mind and be willing to take on new challenges. 

Be on the lookout for opportunities that come your way and be ready to seize them.

2 - Take action

Don't wait for things to happen to you, go out and make them happen.

3 - Build relationships

Connect with others and build strong relationships. 

Networking and building a community of like-minded individuals can lead to opportunities you may not have found otherwise.

4 - Be persistent 

Don't give up easily.

Keep pushing towards your goals even when things get tough. 

Persistence and determination often lead to breakthroughs.

5 - Be adaptable

Be willing to adapt and change course when necessary. 

The ability to pivot and adjust to changing circumstances can help you stay ahead of the curve.

6 - Practice gratitude

Cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciate the opportunities and successes that come your way, no matter how big or small.

This can help you stay positive and motivated.

7 - Take calculated risks

Don't be afraid to take risks, but make sure they are calculated and informed. 

Weigh the potential risks and rewards before making any big decisions. 

Taking smart risks can lead to great rewards and help create your own luck.

8 - Have a long-term vision

Rid your mind of the thought of an overnight success.

What you see today as overnight success took many years to come to reality. 

Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved instantly.

Friend, that's all for today.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this and hope you're having a prosperous week so far.

Talk soon,

Mason from New Mentalities

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