My issue with self-improvement.

"Get comfortable being uncomfortable"

Comfort is the enemy of progress, Friend.

That quote is nothing new or thought-provoking.

But I fear it pushes people to do hard sh*t for the sake of it.

I'll use running as an example.

Running 10 miles is uncomfortable.

So you run 10 miles.

You embrace discomfort.

But what's that really doing?

Is it conducive to your goals?

Consistent running will bring a lot of positives into your life.

It builds discipline.

It's a meditative practice - helping to clear your thoughts.

It builds cardiovascular health.

But it can also be avoidance of what needs to be done.

I'm not saying never to exercise, please do.

But when we hear "embrace discomfort"

We should translate that as doing the hard things we know we need to do but always avoid.

That can be speaking up in a meeting and bringing your ideas to the table.

That can be taking the risk of a new job and going for that interview.

That can be living below your means and investing your disposable income.

The issue with self-improvement nowadays is that everyone's trying to do what everyone else is doing.

However, we must realize that not everyone has the same end goal.

Morgan Housel, author of “The Psychology of Money”, said:

Not everyone is playing the same game. And when one group of people playing for a certain outcome get their moves and tactics from another group of people playing for a different outcome, the result is catastrophic.

You see people running marathons, dialled morning routines, and plunging in ice baths...

But does everyone need that in their life?


I believe there's immense value in doing these as challenges to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and see what works for you.

That's exactly why I completed 75 Hard.

But you'll see the most success in simply doing the hard things that align with your goals.

Not everyone wants or should be living like David Goggins.

Your "hard" could be something seemingly inconsequential to what they're doing.

Stop being influenced by what everyone else has going on.

You're not behind them and you're not worth any less.

Just do the hard actions required to get you where you want to go.

The end.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

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