Perfectionism is a curse

Flawless doesn't exist, act now

Listen, I know you want to make it perfect first try: 

- The perfect meal plan 

- The perfect business strategy

-The perfect workout routine

- The perfect career

But the reality is that perfectionism is a curse. 

It’s crazy how many people are out there, sitting on knowledge, skills, and talents that could change their lives,

But instead are paralyzed by perfection and as a consequence, stay stagnant…

These people are constantly tweaking,

Constantly overthinking,

Constantly waiting,

But never actually doing.

“Analysis Paralysis”, as they say…

You see, at first, I was a perfectionist too: 

I kept on re-editing and tweaking my first few TikTok clips for 2 weeks before posting them, 

All because I wanted to make sure they went viral…

Did they go viral? 

No, of course they f*cking didn’t.

I just wasted 2 weeks that I could have used to test, learn, and improve instead.

My mindset since has been to start now and figure it out as I go

In fact, a very recent example of this can be found by looking at my Instagram page:

In the past couple of days, I’ve grown bored of the current aesthetic so I’m now testing a new one to see if it performs better. 

Will it get more engagement? I don’t know.

But the best way to know is to post it, get the feedback, and move on from there,

Or as they say, to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

And I know it’s contradictional, especially in an era where we are constantly exposed to people’s wins on social media, 

Where we’re so scared of what others think that just the idea of failing or doing anything sub-par in public scares us to death,

But still, an era where, at the end of the day, the #1 way to succeed is by taking action, analyzing, readjusting, and trying again. 

Look, friend, I know you’d like it to be flawless first-try,

And listen, there’s nothing wrong with that. 

Just know that flawless doesn’t exist,

But you’ll get pretty close to it over time.

Stop delaying it. 

Act now. 

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities


P.S. 3% of the year is already gone…

Are you genuinely satisfied with how you spent it?