I love when things go shit.

There's good inside everything bad that happens to us.

I love it when one of my plans fails. 

I love it when life knocks me down. 


And no, friend, I’m not crazy…

I simply know that there’s good inside everything bad that happens to us: 

Someone gets on your nerves? 

GOOD. You can practice self-control.

You hate your job? 

GOOD. That’s the motivation you need to learn a new skill. 

You injured your shoulder?

GOOD. You can focus on legs. 

You failed the test? 

GOOD. More time to improve.

People make fun of you?

GOOD. You have the opportunity to prove them wrong. 

When things go shit we have the power to use them to our advantage. 

At first glance, we might confuse it for a setback…

But all it is is a challenge meant to test if we actually deserve what we want,

And it’s only once we push through that challenge that we can achieve it. 

Eventually, I got so used to it that I developed something called The Anti-Shit Action Plan

Step #1 - Say the word “GOOD”. 

Step #2 - Stand up.

Step #3 - Recalibrate.

Step #4 - Get right back to it. 

No one who’s ever followed this plan has ever lost.  

Start applying it today, and turn your “shits”... into wins. 

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities