How To Make $1,000,000 Without Working

Open To Reveal

You can't, Friend.

If you avoid the work, you avoid the money.

So, whilst you’re here:

Let’s talk about procrastination.

Procrastination is putting off the task that we know we should be doing.

You delay the task and focus on other unimportant tasks.

Procrastination is a human condition.

Research shows that 95% of people admit to putting off work.

So if you fall in that percentage - don’t worry, it’s normal.

But at the same time, do worry, because that means you’re average.

And average is the enemy of great.

Here are a few strategies to overcome your procrastination:

Accept that you are procrastinating

The first step to overcoming procrastination is to accept that you are procrastinating.

You can’t stop procrastinating if you live in denial.

Real transformation requires real honesty.

Figure out the root cause of your procrastination

We typically procrastinate on a task because it’s:



Not enjoyable





Not rewarding

Do something to get started

Starting the task is the biggest hurdle you have to overcome.

Once you get started with something, you have successfully overcome the initial hump of starting it in the first place.

Alex Hormozi has a great quote:

“Fear is a mile wide and an inch deep”

I believe this can be applied to procrastination as much as it is to fear.

The truth is, the work you’re putting off would take much less time than the total time you’ve procrastinated.

Once you step into the ocean, thinking you’re going to drown…

you realize it’s not that deep.

The work you’re avoiding isn’t the behemoth you think it is.

Assess the cost of procrastination

Assessing the cost of procrastination will help you recognize the importance of the task you’re putting off.

If you’re not mindful, your procrastination can affect your career, finances, stress, happiness, health, and so on.

You are distracted: Just Disconnect

Distraction is the reality of modern lives.

Emails (sorry), social media notifications (sorry again), reading online news, scrolling mindlessly…

Disconnect from the internet.


Focus on the task to be completed.

Work on the most important task for 30 minutes

Instead of planning to finish the whole task at once, just start working on the most important task for 30 minutes.

You’ll commit to the 30 minutes, realize you’ve made good progress, built momentum, and continue to keep going.

Say you don’t want to hit the gym:

Trick yourself and say you’ll go for 30 minutes.

That’s all it takes to set the wheels in motion.

Once that 30 minutes is up, you’ll likely stay for another 30 to finish a full session.

Done is better than perfection

A lot of procrastinators are perfectionists. 

They'd rather not do a task than do it imperfectly.

Perfection doesn’t exist, but you’ll get very close over time. 

Just start.

Set a deadline for the work

Timed goals are more likely to be achieved than those without strict timelines.

It’s funny, most people meet deadlines when it’s schoolwork or part of their job.

Yet, when it comes to working on themselves, they’ll delay progress.

Set a deadline and stick to your word.

Reward yourself upon completion of tasks

Completing one task will boost your self-confidence.

But for some, that’s not enough.

If necessary, reward yourself on every small achievement - new sneakers, a spa day, or eating at your favorite restaurant…

With sustained practice, you can learn to get over procrastination.

Procrastination is a habit and like any bad habit, it can be overcome.

Starting is the biggest hurdle you have to deal with.

This email was longer than usual, but if you enjoyed reading through it, let me know by replying with the word “WIN”.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

PS - I’ve created a comprehensive 50-page eBook to help you overcome procrastination and develop the necessary discipline to achieve your goals.

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