The Marshmallow Experiment

A scientific way to know if you’ll be successful.

Tell me, what would you pick?

$500K today…

Or $1M in 1 year?

Trust me, a lot more than you think depends on your answer to this question…

In 1972 Dr. Walter Mischel, from Stanford University, conducted a study named the Marshmallow Experiment

The experiment began by bringing hundreds of children between the age of 4-5 into a private room individually and placing a marshmallow on the table in front of them.

At this point, the researcher offered a deal to each child:

He was going to leave the room, and if the child did not eat the marshmallow while he was away, then he would be rewarded with a second one... 

However, if the child ate the marshmallow before the researcher came back, then he would not get a second one.

Simple, right? 

Now, over the next 40 years, the researchers conducted follow-up studies and tracked each child’s progress in all areas of life, 

And the results shocked everyone… 

The children who were willing to wait for the second marshmallow – and so delayed gratification – ended up having: 

- Higher SAT scores

- Lower levels of substance abuse

- Lower likelihood of obesity

- Better responses to stress

- Better social skills, and much more…

In other words, the Marshmallow Experiment proved that the ability to delay gratification is critical for success in life.

Why should you care?

Because delaying gratification has never been harder:

Getting in shape?
#1 - Fad diet
#2 - Work out

#1 - McDonald’s
#2 - Cook healthy food

#1 - Impulsive purchases
#2 - Save and invest 

There are so many instant options that picking the delayed one has become 100X harder…

And at the end of the day, that’s what separates winners from losers in today’s World:

Those who manage to resist temptation and embrace delayed gratification will be more successful than those who choose instant gratification.

And look, if from the moment you close this email, every time you’re confronted with a decision, 

You decide to pick the option with a greater pay-off down the line...

You’re scientifically proven to succeed, there’s no way around it.

So, friend, let me ask you again…

Which one would you pick?

#1 - $500K today

#2 - $1M in 1 year

You’ve got this,

Mason from New Mentalities


P.S. The Cash Experiment is the adult version of the Marshmallow Experiment

Imagine being in a room with 500K cash in front of you, 

And the option to either grab that money immediately, 

Or to wait for a year and get $1 million instead…

Would you be able to delay gratification?