Money is an amplifier.

Piece of sh*it --> Huge sh*t

Hey, here’s a harsh truth you need to accept:

Money will solve only your money problems,

But it will not fix everything wrong in your life.  

You might be able to afford the most comfortable bed…

But you can still have insomnia.

You might be able to afford the most luxurious dates…

But you can still choose the wrong partner to take them on.

You might be able to afford the yacht…

But you can’t buy valuable friends for you to enjoy those trips with. 

You see, money isn't magic, it’s just an amplifier. 

The bad gets worse and the good gets better...

When a piece of sh*t makes money they likely become even more intolerable, 

When a good person makes money they likely become an amazing person. 

So that’s why it’s important not to have money as your only objective in life, 

But to also have one or more purposeful and meaningful goals.

In fact, money is just a tool to help you achieve your goals, nothing more: 

Goal → Great health care
Tool → Money

Goal → Retiring your family
Tool → Money 

Goal → Help the poor
Tool → Money

Goal → Assist your customers
Tool → Money 

Goal → Travel the world
Tool → Money 

A lot of people say they want to make money…

Literally just for the sake of making money.

And when the goal behind it is nothing but ego and status-seeking, 

They end up being rich, sad, and miserable.

That’s not to say “money doesn’t make you happy”.

We both know that’s a lie… 

But making money without a good use to spend that money on…

Well, I can see how that becomes problematic.

What good is seeing 6 figures in your account if you’re not going to spend it on the things that make you genuinely happy?

You must set purposeful goals, not only will you be more driven to make money, 

But once you make it, you’ll be truly fulfilled when you spend it on the things you love to do and the people you love to see…

And that at the end of the day, is the greater goal in life. 

So, listen, stop looking at money as the final destination, 

Money is just a tool that can help you get there, 

But you have to pick the right destination first. 

Know where you’re headed.

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities


When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you achieve your goals: 

#1 – Duplicate my Productivity Planner (FR33)
Grab and duplicate the Notion productivity planner I use to get 7x more things done in a day than what most people get done in a week – Click Here 

#2 – Take full control of your life
Steal the only life planner that starves your distractions, feeds your focus, and manages all personal development aspects of your life at the same time – Click Here 

#3 – Build an automatic money machine
Discover the secrets that allowed me to turn New Mentalities into an automatic money machine and how you can do exactly the same thing for less than 7 cups of coffee – Click Here