New Month

Let's get it

Happy July, Friend.

It's a new week, a new month, and a new beginning.

That means new money to be made and new opportunities to be seized.

But before we give July our all...

I want to talk to you about waiting for the perfect moment.

It's something I'm guilty of doing myself.

Sometimes, I wait until I'm "ready" to do the thing.

The timing and conditions have to be "perfect".

I hold off and wait

To work…

To train...

To invest...

To go for a run...

But the truth is:

There will never be a perfect time.

The best time to start is now and figure it out along the way.

That doesn't mean diving in with both feet without doing your due diligence.

If it's something that requires careful planning, then go ahead.

But move with urgency with that planning.

Put it at the top of your to-do list so you set it in motion.

The longer you delay action, the longer you delay progress.

A year from now you’ll wish you had started earlier.

Time leaves us with only one of these two things:

Regret or results.

So, whilst it's a brand new week and month...

Never wait for the calendar to reset for you to start.

It's kinda like New Year's Resolutions.

I have nothing against them, but why wait until the new year when you can start right this moment and get ahead of most people?

You’ll never be ready to begin.

There’ll never be a better time, because tomorrow isn't promised.

Things will never be perfect, because a curveball will always be thrown.

Don’t wait.

Start with what you have and where you’re at.

Let me ask you, Friend

Have you ever found yourself waiting for the right moment?

Reply to this email and let me know.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities