New Year’s Resolutions (BS)

Why 92% of people fail to achieve them, and the secret of the 8%

Research shows that 92% of people fall short of achieving their New Year’s resolutions, 

So, let’s be honest, what makes you think you’ll achieve yours? 

And most importantly…

Is there a common pattern that those in the 8% share? 

The truth is there is, but it’s not what you think…

See, it’s not because the 8% aim for a smaller goal,

Instead, they focus entirely on the “actionable”. 

“Actionable? What tf does that mean?”

Well, what I’ve learned is that there are 2 types of goals: 

#1 - Result-based goals → The final results that we want to achieve 

#2 - Action based- goals → The actions that lead us to achieve the final result

And the difference is catastrophic:

While final results depend on multiple external factors, 

Action-based goals are completely under our control. 

Getting in shape → Working out regularly

Becoming more knowledgeable → Read 10 pages a day 

Saving more money → Setting aside 20% of our income 

So the secret here is not only to turn our goals into actions, 

But to turn them into repetitive actions that become HABITS. 

See, it’s proven that once our brain gets used to doing a repetitive action, 

The mental effort required to complete that action drastically drops… 

So imagine getting closer to your goals almost effortlessly,

That would be a dream, right? 

Well, all you have to do is convert your dreams into a series of recurring actions, 

And you can literally achieve your goals with a fraction of the effort. 

So, friend, now that you know the secret to achieve your goals this 2024, 

All that’s left to do now is follow through with it,

Do what needs to be done.

To a great year, 

Mason from New Mentalities