No One Is Stopping You

(Except You)

Friend., let’s be real.

You’re not stuck because life is unfair.

You’re stuck because you wake up every day with no plan, no structure, and no system.

You say you want more, but you’re guessing your way through life.

And until you fix that?

Nothing will change.

Here’s how you turn it around:

1. Be (extremely) specific

Most people set soft, forgettable goals.

And they lead nowhere.

→ "I want to get in shape."

→ "I want to make more money."

→ "I want to be more productive."

That’s not a plan. That’s a wishlist.

Your goals should be so clear that there’s no way to cheat yourself.

That means identifying the exact result you want to achieve. 

And then making an actionable plan that’ll get you there.


→ "I will train 4x a week and eat 200g of protein daily to lose 15 lbs by June."

→ "I will close 5 new clients per quarter and add $50k to my income this year."

→ "I will limit social media to 30 minutes per day and wake up an hour earlier."

If you can’t measure it, you won’t do it.

Plain and simple.

And if your goals aren’t broken down into clear, daily steps…

Then they’re just fantasies.

2. Stop expecting it to feel good

People love the idea of winning.

But when it comes to doing the work…

They fall back on excuses, distractions, and ‘self-care’ days.

Here’s the truth:

→ You won’t always feel motivated.

→ You won’t always have the energy.

→ You won’t always want to show up.

And guess what? None of that matters.

The difference between winning and losing is: 

Doing it anyway.

Do you think Warren Buffet felt motivated to trade stocks every day?

Of course not. 

And he came up against thousands of ‘bad days’ along his journey.

But he acted anyway.

The harsh truth is:

If you can’t be consistent when it’s inconvenient…

You don’t want it badly enough.

3. Track. Everything.

The people who win don’t "try their best."

They track, measure, and adjust.

You think you’re making progress? Show me the numbers.

→ Not getting stronger? Check your workout log (oh wait, you don’t have one).

→ Not making more money? Where’s your revenue tracker?

→ Still wasting time? Where’s your daily habit log?

If you don’t track it, you’re just hoping for results.

And hope is not a strategy.

There’s a reason why the most successful people keep tabs on everything. 

In fact, the reason why they’re so successful is because they keep tabs on everything.

And you should, too.

This is why most people lose

Most people drift through life guessing, hoping, and making excuses.

I used to be the same. Until I built 2025 Domination.

It’s not a journal. Or some gimmicky planner.

It’s the exact system I use to stay locked in, focused, and hold myself accountable.

Here’s what’s inside:

→ Book tracker with 12 handpicked recommendations.

→ Progress charts, so you can visualize your growth in real time.

→ Health tracker, to keep tabs on workouts, nutrition, and progress.

→ Minimal dashboard, so you always know exactly what to focus on. 

→ Task manager, to plan your days, prioritize your goals, and execute.

→ Habit tracker, so you build consistency without relying on motivation. 

Most people will waste another year making the same excuses.

You don’t have to be one of them.

Get 2025 Domination now. Lock in. Get focused. Execute.

Because if you don’t?

You already know how this year is going to end.

Much love,

Mason – Founder of New Mentalities