When no one's watching

Private work = public success

Friend, it’s currently 10 pm my time.

And the attempt to write up this email is exactly that.

An attempt.

I’m not succeeding… writer’s block has its hands around my neck.

So bear with me as the words come in.

Okay, I have a topic.

Nobody sees this shit.

They don’t.

No one sees the writer’s block.

No one sees you getting up early.

No one sees the parties you missed.

No one sees you working late.

No one sees how many times you failed.

No one sees how hard you train.

No one sees how hard you study.

They only ever see the end product.

As the saying goes:

Hustle in private, shine in public.

It’s the work people don’t see that puts you in front of them.

Undeniable and unmissable.

I spend countless hours behind a screen creating content, building the brand, working with clients etc.

There’s nothing glamorous about that.

The magic doesn’t lie in grand, sporadic efforts that feel like moving mountains.

It’s in the small, consistent steps that might not feel like much at the time but compound into seismic results.

Think of it like a garden:

A plant doesn’t bloom overnight (spoiler)

It’s the daily care that leads to a flower bed you can appreciate.

Our growth is often imperceptible on a day-to-day basis, but over time, the transformation is undeniable.

Consistency isn’t sexy. 

Discipline isn’t sexy.

It’s in those mundane and tedious steps where the real growth happens.

It’s doing the things you don’t want to do but know it’s for your own good.

I’ll be 100% real with you…

At the time of writing this, the desire to close the tab and watch Netflix until 2 in the morning is strong.

I’m tired, I have writer’s block, but I’m doing it because I said I would.

There’s no way I’m not upholding the promises I keep to myself.

Maybe the quality of the email suffers.

But what I do know for sure is that if I slack off once, it’ll become a habit.

And I can’t let that happen.

Always expect the most from yourself.

Remember: consistency isn’t sexy, but the results are so attractive that you’ll end up besotted with the process.

Before I ramble, I’ll end the email here.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

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