Do Not Disturb

Shhhh, I'm Thinking....

Hey Friend, you probably picture winners as exceptionally busy people.

And they are, make no mistake about that. 

It requires being in the thick of things.

But while it's usually overlooked, it's important to recognize that successful people spend considerable time isolated, alone with nothing but their own minds.

Look at the lives of the great religious leaders, and you'll find each of them spent considerable time alone.

“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16

Political leaders, too, those who made lasting names in history for good or bad, gained insight through solitude.

Leading universities require professors to lecture as few as five hours per week so that the professor has time to think.

Many renowned business executives are surrounded all day by assistants, secretaries, meetings, and reports.

But shadow them 24/7 and you'll discover they spend a surprising amount of time in uninterrupted thought.

The point is this: the successful person in any field takes time out to confer with themselves.

Through separation comes elevation.

You need to be removed from the day-to-day distractions in order to plan effectively.

And through solitude, you begin to learn more about yourself.

It's crazy how so many of us likely know more about celebrities and friends than we do ourselves.

They're gossiping about who's with who, never questioning their own relationships.

They're seeing who's up to what, never thinking for themselves what they want out of life.

Time alone, in healthy amounts, does incredible things for your growth. 

Winners use solitude to put the pieces of a problem together.

So my challenge for you this week is to take 30 minutes to 1 hour in complete solitude.

Perhaps you can use this time to meditate, to audit your life, to plan where you want to be in the next few years...

Once you do so, you'll realize how valuable it is to have uninterrupted thinking space.

Talk soon,

Mason from New Mentalities

PS - I’m looking to add some testimonials to my sign-up page. I’d appreciate it if you could reply to this email with your thoughts on the New Mentalities Newsletter so far 🙏