Do Not Open This Email

Resist temptation.

Friend, I told you not to open the email.

You failed to resist temptation…

But I’ll let you off the hook.

This email has a lot of value, and you don’t want to miss it.

Now, most of us have big dreams and ambitions.

But of that majority, few put in the work.

Not necessarily because they're lazy or don't have the resources...

But because they don't want it bad enough.

Temptations derail them from their long-term goals.

Because the short-term pleasure outweighs their desire for long-term success.

Dig deep right now.

Is there somewhere inside of you where you’re okay with not having it?

You say you want to lose weight, but actually, you're okay with bad eating habits.

You say you want to make more money, but actually, you're okay with earning a regular salary.

You say you want to quit your vices, but actually, you're okay with having the addictions.

Saying you want to make changes makes you feel good.

It makes you feel like you’re doing something.

But those who REALLY want to succeed

They want it as bad as a drowning person wants air.

Ask yourself, Friend, do you want it that bad?

When not having it is simply not an option

You'll develop the necessary discipline and ways to achieve it.

Motivation will have you finishing the first mile

But discipline will have you running a fucking marathon.

Let me be clear:

Discipline is not about being tough on yourself.

Discipline is about doing what you know needs to be done

Even though you don't want to do it.

You understand it’s for your own good…

That greater success will come later down the line.

A lot of people struggle to develop discipline.

I’ve noticed my discipline-related content tends to resonate with more of you.

So recently I launched my new eBook "The Discipline Divide" for those finding it difficult to overcome.

In the book, I'll teach you:

  • How to build mental toughness

  • How to set clear goals

  • Tips and tricks to build discipline

  • How to gain clarity through tunnel vision

  • How to mute the distractions

  • The art of saying "no"

  • The importance of accountability

  • And much more

You can get access today for just the price of 2 Burger King meals.

One supports growth in the mind…

And the other supports growth in your waistline.

You choose 🍔

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities