Outsmart The Devil

The Devil’s Playbook for Keeping You Broke

Earlier, I asked ChatGPT a very simple question:

“ChatGPT, if you were the devil, how would you stop people from achieving success? List 15 actions and explain each”

Whether you believe in the devil or not (maybe you think AI is the real devil)..

Regardless, I hope you read these, wake up and make a change for the better.

I would instill self-doubt

Continuously whisper doubts into their thoughts, making them question their worth and capabilities, which could paralyze their ability to act or make decisions confidently.

I would promote procrastination

Make laziness and delay more appealing than action.

By encouraging them to "do it later," I'd ensure that plans are consistently postponed and opportunities are missed.

I would foster fear of failure

Exaggerate the consequences of failing to the point where the fear of even minor setbacks becomes overwhelming, deterring them from taking risks that could lead to major rewards.

I would encourage overthinking

Push them to analyze every possible scenario to the point of absurdity, leading to decision fatigue and inaction because they're caught in an endless loop of analysis without conclusion.

I would sow discord

Stir up misunderstandings and conflicts in personal and professional relationships, eroding the trust and cooperation necessary for success.

I would undermine relationships

Subtly highlight faults in others to create divisions and isolation, depriving individuals of the support networks that are essential for success.

I would spread misinformation

Provide misleading or false information that leads to poor decision-making, setting them up for failures that could have been avoided with the correct information.

I would encourage short-term gratification

Tempt them with immediate pleasures that lead to long-term consequences, diverting their focus from long-term goals.

I would weaken resilience

Undermine their ability to bounce back from setbacks by magnifying the emotional impact of any failure or rejection they encounter.

I would distort perceptions of success

Alter their understanding of what it means to be successful, leading them to pursue superficial or unattainable standards that leave them perpetually dissatisfied.

I would promote perfectionism

Convince them that nothing is ever good enough. Make them endlessly refine, edit, overthink, preventing them from ever finishing anything and putting it out to the world.

I would create exhaustion

Encourage an unsustainable pace, leading to burnout.

Make them believe that they must be busy at all times, which depletes their energy and focus.

I would promote pessimism

Cultivate a mindset where they expect the worst outcomes, leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy where negative outcomes are more likely because they don't try to avoid them.

I would encourage complacency

Make them feel overly satisfied with their current situation, so they don't aspire for more or resist change, even when change is necessary for growth.

I would manipulate emotions

Play on their emotions to create instability - exaggerating fears, sadness, and anger - to distract them from their goals and reduce their ability to function effectively.

The devil works hard to make sure you don’t.

ChatGPT then went on to say:

These actions focus on exploiting psychological vulnerabilities and environmental influences to derail individuals from their paths to success.

Sit with these tactics for a moment, Friend.

If you’ve ever felt the sting of them, it might just be the devil pulling you away from the dream life destined for you…

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities