The path of least resistance

How the human mind is setting you up for failure - and how to fix it.

For as crazy as it sounds, the human mind comes with some default settings,  

And one of them in particular is responsible for 90% of our failures.  

I’m talking about something that every single human being is born with, 

And that we MUST get rid of in order to make it…

This trait is famously known as “the path of least resistance”, 

And it consists of the human tendency to always look for an easy way to achieve a result. 

It’s something natural and set deep into our roots, 

But that kills our chances of success in real-time - anything worthwhile is hard to achieve.

So, how can we fix this? 

What I discovered is that as soon as I became aware of it,

I started embracing “the hard way” like never before…

This means that being aware of the problem is the first step, so you should start with that. 

The second step takes some real effort instead…

And it consists of actively distancing yourself from things that come easily,

While striving for things that are harder to achieve.

And the reason why you’ll find this step harder is that it goes against our nature:

As humans we are designed to maximize the outcome-effort ratio - also known as laziness, 

And for that reason, we find easy things extremely attractive.  

Look, friend, these 2 steps alone allowed me to re-frame my mind into finally stop seeking “the path of least resistance”, 

And embrace the one that maximizes my success instead: 


Now I’m not saying to go full David Goggins’ style,

Start as small as you'd like:

Replace Netflix with a book,

Replace sleeping in with early mornings,

Replace the elevator with the stairs…

Just start and progress from there!

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities