Shut your mouth.

Scientifically proven to help you succeed

Look, I don’t care what goals you have in mind,

But please, whatever you decide to do, shut your mouth.

In fact, do you know who’s famous for not achieving sh*t? 

People who talk too much. 

That’s right, and believe it or not, there’s a scientific reason behind it… 

When you achieve something you’ve worked hard for, 

Your brain releases a dopamine shot that makes you feel accomplished. 

Now here comes the problem…

Anytime you talk about something that you’ve not achieved yet, 

Your brain automatically releases a shot of dopamine similar to when you achieve it,

And the consequences are catastrophic…

Your motivation immediately decreases and your drive drops drastically, 

And before you know it you become complacent and make little progress towards your goal. 

Now look, I know you might think that you’re SO committed that you’ll achieve it no matter how much you run your mouth…

But recently, NYU psychology professor Peter Gollwitzer published a paper that not only confirms what I just said, 

But also shows how this only applies to those who are very committed to their goals…

So the more serious you are about your goals, 

The more secretive and private you should be about them. 

Personally, what I noticed as the main reason why people keep talking about their goals is that they seek approval from others, 

But realize this…

99% of the time others will not have the same vision, or they won’t care… 

Or even worse, they'll call you crazy for it, like they did with

- Mark Zuckerberg

- Henry Ford

- Walt Disney

- Nikola Tesla

And the list goes on and on…

Now I know some of you are built different and can handle those comments, but most will fold.

So, please, if you want to have the best chances of achieving your goals this year…

Shut your mouth.

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities