size doesn't matter

hear me out

I want you to understand something, my friend.

It only takes one small moment to change everything.

This small thing can be seen as insignificant, but it holds the power to be the difference between staying stuck in the same place and finally making your dream a reality.

A thank you message... could save someone's life.

A new meeting... could put you in front of the right people.

A handshake... could build respect with the right person.

A phone call... could present a life-changing opportunity.

A new friend... could make your days more colorful.

A new job... could break the cycle of poverty.

These are all tiny moments that you probably write off as "just the usual".

But the moment you understand that these moments have the power to change everything, you become present enough to accept the blessings they present to you.

Now, these blessings don't just fall on your lap without putting the work in.

Life ain't that easy.

These tiny moments only amount to something big if other tiny wins have compounded in the years prior.

The way I see it is like water boiling on a hot stove.

Friend, imagine this for a moment:

You've got a kettle, filled with chilled water.

You put the heat on and it slowly warms up.

It goes from 10 degrees Celsius to 15, to 20, and so on.

Up to 99 degrees Celsius, the water still hasn't changed form.

It's bubbling, it's energetic, it's making noises.

But the water hasn't changed until it reaches boiling point at 100 degrees Celsius.

There, it becomes evaporation.

The liquid takes an entirely new form as a gas.

Your goals are identical to this boiling water.


Let me explain...

Like the one degree it takes to change the form of the water, you're only one move away from changing the very form of your life.

People in the personal development space like to overcomplicate it.

But what it really boils down to, no pun intended, is that one small temperature change.

That 1 degree changed everything thanks to the other 99 degrees.

Like the water reaching boiling point, you have to go through those 99 other stages.

It might take you 99 products to get to that 1 small idea which makes your business profitable.

It might take you 99 mixtapes to finally get that 1 short viral song.

It's always been about those small and consistent moves that eventually result in something big.

And if you're not progressing with those tiny steps, you'll never be in the correct position to accept the blessings.

You'll never be placed in the right moment and the right time if you're not actively pursuing your greater self.

and there's power in those tiny moments - sometimes the smallest seed grows into the biggest tree.

Do the work and position yourself.

Talk soon,

Mason from New Mentalities

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