Stop adding.

Start removing.

, we often think that the way to success is to add things to our lives: 

- Meditation

- Journaling

- Reading

And whilst this may be true in some cases, 

I realized that most of the time we don’t need more things, but to remove a few instead. 

To give you an example, a couple of weeks ago I completed 75 Hard, 

Which, in case you don’t know, it’s a 75-day mental toughness program with strict rules to follow.

Every single day you must:

  1. Stick to a diet 

  2. No alcohol

  3. Workout twice 

  4. Drink a gallon of water 

  5. Take a progress photo 

  6. Read 10 pages

Now, I know you might think that doing all of that got me closer to my goals, 

And while that’s true, I’m here to tell you that what most greatly impacted my life wasn't the additional pages a day, 

Nor the double daily workouts, 

And not even my new diet…

No… It was simply the removal of alcohol.

What does that mean? 

Too often we overcomplicate it.

Stop striving for the “new thing” to add to your life…

It's completely ignorant of the core issue, and you know it.

Put it this way:

Reading 10 more pages won't fix your marijuana addiction, 

Likewise exercising twice a day won't fix your gambling addiction…

You need to drop the vices first and foremost,

Because they are what's holding you back.

In my case, for example, I added a whole bunch of things to my life for 75 days, 

Only to then realize that alcohol was the root of 90% of my problems. 

So friend, what I call you to do is to stop for a second, and carefully audit your life,

Try to identify the things that must be removed for you to achieve your goals, 

And commit to cutting them out, starting today. 

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities