Stop giving a f*ck.

Care only about what truly matters to you.

Look friend, you need to learn the art of not giving a f*ck.

If you’re trying to do anything great in life, it’s paramount.

I’m not talking about being completely apathetic.

It’s about learning to care for the things and people conducive to your goals,

And walking away from the things and people that are not.

See, we’re surrounded by infinite distractions,

And live in a hyper-judgemental society where 99.9% tear your vision down. 

And that’s why it’s so important to focus your energy solely on what truly matters.  

What I’ve learned is that sometimes you need to draw a line in the sand and ask yourself, 

“Does this help me march towards my ambitions?” 

If it's a yes, dive in with everything you've got. 

If it's a no, let it go. 

It's not cold-hearted; it's being smart with the one life you've got.

And at times, we need to draw that line with people too… 

Because the truth is that not everyone deserves your 100%. 

Sounds harsh? Maybe. 

But it's about mutual respect and energy exchange. 

And, when you need to, don’t be scared to say “NO”.  

Saying “no” is about protecting your peace, your space, and your priorities. 

You can't be everything to everyone, and you shouldn't try to be. 

Preserve your energy for: 

- the battles worth fighting, 

- the projects that ignite your soul, 

- the people who make your world a little brighter

And listen, I know that we live in a world that's quick to judge and slow to understand. 

But don't fall into that trap. 

Step back, see it all from a bird's eye view, and give yourself the space to see the full picture. 

Your time, your thoughts, your energy - they're sacred. Invest them wisely.

So, please, remember, the world will pull you in a million directions.

It will fight for your attention.

It will distort your perception of what’s important.

And your job is to stand firm, to hold your ground, 

And to care only about what truly matters to you.

Live the life you want to live, not the life the world wants you to live.

The choice is yours. 

Make it count.

I made a brand-new YouTube video on this topic if you want to check it out:

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities 


When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you achieve your goals: 

#1 – Duplicate my Productivity Planner (FR33)
Grab and duplicate the Notion productivity planner I use to get 7x more things done in a day than what most people get done in a week – Click Here 

#2 – Take full control of your life
Steal the only life planner that starves your distractions, feeds your focus, and manages all personal development aspects of your life at the same time – Click Here 

#3 – Build an automatic money machine
Discover the secrets that allowed me to turn New Mentalities into an automatic money machine and how you can do exactly the same thing for less than 7 cups of coffee – Click Here