"STOP! It's too risky..."

The ultimate scapegoat of losers

Hey, have you ever noticed how everyone always considers the costs of starting something new: 

- Money

- Time

- Effort 

But almost nobody considers the cost of staying in the same place: 

- Mediocrity 

- Unfulfillment 

- Regret

I’ve always found it fascinating how quickly people are to call something “risky”, 

Without realizing that staying where they are poses a much greater risk.  

Let’s just say you take the risk and start that business you’ve always dreamed of: 

Best case scenario → you succeed
Worst case scenario → you fail 

Now let’s suppose you consider it “too risky”, so you don’t do anything: 

Best case scenario → you fail 
Worst case scenario → you fail 

See, most people look at risk as the chance that something bad will happen…

But if we think about it, isn’t it also a chance that something great could happen too?

There are two sides to it, and it’s all about perspective… 

So why then do most people look only at the negative side of risk? 

Well, the way I see it is that they like to use the "it’s too risky" as a scapegoat, 

To them, it’s a safety blanket to make themselves feel better about not pursuing their goals.

The problem? 

They try to get as many people as possible under that blanket, with the classic: 

- It’ll never work out

- What if it goes wrong

- Let’s be realistic 

Trying to force themselves, and others, into believing that their “safe life” is more fruitful than a risky one…

When that’s very rarely the case.

Listen friend, at the end of the day it all comes down to this: 

The biggest risk we can take is not to take any risk. 

So, quoting the GOAT, Alex Hormozi…

Ask the girl.

Run the ad.

Quit the job.

Take the risk.

Shoot the shot. 

Worst case scenario you fail, 

But if you don’t try, failure is a guarantee. 

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities