Stop Running Away from Your Emotions

Own it.

Escapism feels good.

Right, Friend?

Dodging our thoughts and feelings is regular.

Someone breaks up with their partner…

So they rush to the next fling

Escaping loneliness rather than learning to love themselves.

Someone wants to lose weight…

So they look for the quick fix or seek validation to hear that they're fine the way they are

but real change demands sweat and discipline.

Those who aren't in a positive frame of mind look to cheap dopamine to numb the pain rather than taking the time to find a long-term solution.

It’s all a distraction from reality.

Do not get addicted to escaping.

Instead, face your shit, handle your business and triumph.


You must discover your outlet.

If you’re going through a negative experience, oftentimes you need an outlet to come out the other end okay.

I know people who see success in hitting the gym when they’re stressed.

Some like to run 10 miles when they feel anxious.

Others journal when they lack mental clarity.

These are all examples of outlets.

Distractions, on the other hand, are the easy way out.

These are short-term pleasures and vices and they’ll only hurt more the longer you keep it up.

Face the raw truth and deal with your emotions properly.

Embrace life’s battles and confront your demons through an outlet which works for you.

Your future self will thank you for it.

“No battle was ever won by people who run”

Reply to this email and let me know what your outlets are for overcoming strong thoughts and emotions.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities