Stop Waiting for Rescue

Create the Life You Deserve

Nobody is coming to save you, Friend.

Not your friends.

Not your family.

Not even the government.

They can offer guidance, lend tools, and share advice—but at the end of the day, the responsibility for change is yours.

It’s up to you to shift your mindset and take action, even when it feels impossible.

Here’s some advice you need to hear:

Embrace Failure as Your Greatest Teacher

If you want to grow, you must be willing to fail.

Ask the question and face rejection.

Post your music and endure criticism.

Start the business and let your early mistakes teach you the ropes.

The truth is, everyone you admire got where they are by stumbling along the way.

You’re not an exception to the rule.

Dan Koe has a great line:

Invest in your ‘portfolio of failures’ until you can afford to succeed.

Life Comes in Chapters, so Learn to Love the Process

Nobody is always happy.

Nobody is always sad.

Nobody is always winning or losing.

Nothing is permanent.

Life is a series of phases, each with its own lessons.

When you understand this, tough times become easier to endure.


Because you know better times are just around the corner.

When you hit a rough patch, remind yourself:

This is just one chapter.

Better ones are ahead.

You’re Bored Because You’re Comfortable

Comfort stems from fear of change.

And that fear?

It’s born from a lack of perspective.

But here’s the solution:

Don’t try to change everything at once.

Start with one thing.

And while your actions should feel manageable, your goals should inspire boldness.

Think big.

But take small, consistent steps.

Every Skill Starts as a Struggle

Whether it’s walking, speaking, writing, running a business, or even building relationships, every skill is awkward before it becomes second nature.

If you’re not seeing results, it’s likely because you’re avoiding the daily grind of practice.

The secret is consistency.

To keep showing up, even when it’s hard, and the results will follow.

Build a Strong Foundation in Three Areas

To thrive in life, invest in three pillars:

  1. Your mind – Read books, journal, and reflect deeply.

  2. Your body – Train hard, take long walks, and eat nutrient-dense foods.

  3. Your work – Focus on skill development, solving real problems, and promoting your value.

When you strengthen all three, you’ll find yourself on the path to a well-rounded, fulfilling life.

The 3 Activities You Need

To create a sustainable lifestyle, focus on three key activities:

  • One that makes you money

  • One that brings you peace

  • One that keeps you fit

There are countless ways to achieve each of these.

Experiment, discover what works for you, and commit to them for the next decade.

Address the Root Causes

If you feel drained, stuck, or unfulfilled, this is probably why:

  • You lack energy because you’ve been neglecting your body. Fix this with training and better nutrition.

  • You lack clarity because you’ve been neglecting your mind. Fix this with books and clear thinking.

  • You lack money because you’ve been neglecting your dreams. Fix this by acquiring skills and taking action.

You don’t need anyone to save you.

Everything you need to succeed is already within you.

All that’s left is to start.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

PS - My first-ever physical book will be launching in early 2025!

Free emails are great, but there’s only so much I can share to your inbox.

Writing and launching a physical book is something I’m so f*cking excited about delivering to the world.

Reply with the “📕” (book) emoji if you’ll be picking up your copy from Amazon.

And let me know what you think the topic is going to be…