Success Is Underwhelming

Happiness is fleeting.

Hey friend,

Before I get into today's email, I mentioned on Tuesday that I'll be sending over the updated Blueprint on how to grow on social media.

I stick to my word, so here it is:

I hope it's packed with the value you're looking for.

Now, back to today's topic...

Success can be underwhelming

If I were to ask you to name an awe-inspiring feat mankind has accomplished, going to the moon would be a fair answer.

And you'd think it would be an overwhelming experience for those astronauts.

All those years

All of that hype

All of that training

leading up to this moment.

But it turns out the feeling of triumph quickly dissipated. 

As the spacecraft hovered over the moon, Michael Collins turned to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and said:

It's amazing how quickly you adapt. It doesn’t seem weird at all to me to look out there and see the moon going by, you know?

Astronauts have also described their moonwalks as spectacular but not momentous.

Realize this:

Expectations shift and goalposts move faster than you could ever imagine.

Now relate this to some of the successes you've experienced so far.

A pay raise.

A physique.

An event.

For most of us, these achievements provide momentary happiness.

Because there's always the question:

Now what?

That doesn't mean success can't bring pride, contentment or independence.

But it's rarely what you thought it would be before achieving it.

Jim Carrey once said

"I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer."

And Steve Harvey made a valid point that until you show the proper amount of gratitude for the smaller wins leading up to the bigger win,

you'll never appreciate the bigger win.

The lesson is this, friend:

I’m not saying never to strive for greatness.

Go for it all.

But don’t become attached to the end result.

Instead, become infatuated with the process.

Enjoy the journey and appreciate every single step along the way.

Results are coming.

I believe in you.

Talk soon,

Mason from New Mentalities

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