Take a f*cking break.

Working during the holidays will kill your productivity in 2024.

Let’s be honest, are you going to work over the Christmas holidays?

Are you anxious to slow down?


Well, if you are one, I hate to break it to you…

But that’s how to set up your 2024 for failure. 

Look at it this way…

On December 31st, when you’ll draw the line for the year that’s been, 

How many weeks, days, hours, or minutes you’ve worked won’t matter…

Your TOTAL YEARLY OUTPUT is all that’ll count. 

And for that reason, when speaking in terms of output, 

It doesn't make any sense for you to work during the Christmas holidays, 

Because if you know you’ve given your all this year, those extra 40 hours won’t make a difference…

I mean, even billion-dollar company CEOs take a break from time to time, so why would we not?

The truth is that the best way to end your 2023 is to sign off and start your 2024 ready to go all in.

And look, I’m saying this not just cause I’ve personally experienced the benefits of it,

But because multiple studies have shown how resting during holidays:

- Gets rid of your yearly sleep debt

- Boosts creativity and mental clarity

- Stimulates innovative ideas

Eventually maximizing your next year’s output.

Now as someone who’s addicted to the grind as much as you are, 

I’m not gonna sit here and pretend that I’ll be able to completely sign off, 

But unless it’s pressing, it can wait. 

Instead, I’m going to focus on recalibrating and rejuvenating, 

Which will help me start 2024 rested and inspired.   

So with that being said, I won’t be sending out a newsletter this next week, 

And you, friend, please take some time off,

Spend it with the people you love, 

Get inspired, 

And I’ll see you in 2024 🫡

Merry Christmas, 

Mason from New Mentalities