Have You Told Them?

Win in silence.

Hey friend,

We all know someone who announces their plans before they even execute them.

They're excited like they already did something.

And more than likely, you roll your eyes because you know they're simply just talking about it, and not doing it.

In fact, this person could be you.

Nobody cares what you say you'll do, and you shouldn't either.

There's an issue people face when looking to better themselves, and that's others not believing in their vision.

But answer me honestly, would you believe what someone says they're going to do if their current actions don't align with their vision?

I'm more likely to believe someone is serious about working towards a promotion if they're currently going the extra mile.

I'm more likely to believe someone is serious about weight loss if they're currently running regularly. 

Having lofty goals is great.

But for the most part, ambition has never impressed anyone.

Ambition isn't special.

Action is.

Instead of humble-bragging to your friends about how you'll "start taking the gym more seriously" or "start eating clean from now on"

Try doing it for a few days, weeks, or months.

Accept the challenge of succeeding alone.

Do you want to build a business or just get the patronizing

"Oh, that's cute, good for you" for mentioning it?

Because that's what the likely response will be.

You see, there are four types of people:

1 - Those who talk the talk and walk the walk

2 - Those who talk the talk but don't walk the walk

3 - Those with no ambition at all

4 - Those who walk the walk and never talk

Number 4 is a great position to be in.

They're locked in, but they offer more in a conversation than telling everyone what their plans to succeed are.

They don't need to brag because the lifestyle shows discipline, hard work, and tolerance - things that are already visible.

Actions speak louder than words.

Unless you have an accountability partner or a driven circle looking to inspire one another, talking about your goals is fruitless.

Otherwise, you're simply seeking approval for something you haven't yet done.

Now, I’m a strong believer in the Law of Attraction.

The tongue is a powerful tool.

But understand this:

Faith without work is dead.

If you’re running your mouth saying what you’re going to be, you better be speaking with conviction and already taking the steps to get there.

My challenge to you for the rest of the year:

Go achieve something you've always wanted to achieve, but don't tell ANYONE about it.

The moment they eventually stumble across your results, and they will, it's a much more rewarding interaction than you simply telling them what you're going to do beforehand.

They’ll be much more impressed.

Talk soon,

Mason from New Mentalities

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