Try Trying

The results will shock you.

Friend, here’s a question you should be asking yourself:

What am I doing today to achieve success tomorrow?

If your answer is vague and passive

I beg you go back to the drawing board.

Do not walk aimlessly.

The vision must be clear.

Perhaps you’re abstaining from bad habits.

Perhaps you’re growing your personal brand.

Perhaps you’re working on your ideal physique.

Personal growth doesn’t need to be complicated.

Just do the thing that needs to be done.

And I wholeheartedly believe most people know what needs to be done.

Why do I believe this?

Because we all experience guilt.

Guilt is our guideline.

I don’t care how you spend the day

I’m not here to tell you right and wrong 

But if you feel a sense of guilt as a direct result of what you did or didn’t do on that day

Then you know exactly what needs to be done.

Don’t play dumb

You’re not fooling anyone but yourself.

Be honest with yourself.

If I can get through the day knowing I made steps, no matter how big or small, I’m content.

And if there’s a day where I fall off (which happens, I’m human) then best believe I’m back on the following day.

I don’t expect you to have it all figured out

‘Cause I definitely don’t.

But join me in this process of simply trying.


The consistent exploration of what can be put in today for a better tomorrow.

Those who have succeeded never stopped trying.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities 

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